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» Informatization of China's packaging industry [2021-11-29] (Click609£©
» Tin can manufacturing process [2021-11-29] (Click602£©
» Chocolate iron packaging is very environmentally friendly [2021-11-29] (Click594£©
» The development of canned food packaging with the coexistence of tradition and innovation has been continuously improved [2021-11-29] (Click603£©
» Recycling old cans, secretly filling cans, fake 7200 "Red Bull" destroyed in Xiamen [2010-08-26] (Click698£©
» Little times can't live [2009-04-25] (Click546£©
» Do not open tin cans by hand. Gloves are recommended when using these tools [2009-04-25] (Click502£©
» The development of canned food packaging with the coexistence of tradition and innovation has been continuously improved [2009-04-25] (Click465£©
» Diversification and innovative behavior of canned food export surge [2009-04-13] (Click480£©

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Add: Xia Che Gang Industrial Estate, Ge Keng, Hengli Town, Dong Guan City, Guang Dong Province,China
Tel: 86-769-83725440-8228   
E-mail: cstbm@netvigator.com  /  master@luckypeace.com
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